Techdown Solutions provides you best SEO for your website which help your website to rank on google.


Techdown Solutions provide SMO for your website.

Digital Marketing

Techdown Solutions provides digital marketing for your website and service which yoou provide.


We provide PPC(pay per click) for your website.

SEO & Digital Marketing

If You Can Dream It,
We Can Rank It

Techdown Solutions is doing dedicatedly organic and quality work in the field of promoting the business and providing the site top ranking with the implementation of advanced Internet marketing techniques. We are providing best and dedicated SEO services in jaipur. Following are the marketing techniques with our clients are leading their sites on first. Our team believes on working with strategies to satisfy the expectations and planning the services is cost effective manner.
Search Marketing – Techdown Solutions help by Search marketing encompasses with the SEO and SEM strategies. Here marketing is combined with advertisement. It includes everything like company’s website, social media, etc.
Paid Search Marketing – With Techdown Solutions this is one the major way companies use because it works on many factors like competitors, goals and budgets and keywords identification many more.
Content & Branding – Techdown Solutions helps with this service by identifying that how a brand grows and build. And content helps to know about the brand and how it will execute.
Mobile App Marketing – Techdown Solutions helps to do mobile marketing by doing marketing campaigns over mobile apps.
Web Design and Development – This strategy is one of the major area to do research and mostly buyers use websites to search for vendors.


What is PPC?
PPC is pay per click as the name suggests you will get payment on per click. It is use to describe the paid advertising model use by Google which pay on per click on advertisements.
How many platforms you will use to promote?

Yes, We’ll do all social media, website and apps promotions as per your requirements and budgets.

How long it takes and when we will see results?
Well it is a tough question as it depends on the requirements, but with the dedicated team Techdown Solutions always gives the work before deadlines and if any client have urgent basis requirements we meet those requirements also.